Applications and scope of AI

You might be wondering about 'What's the next trend in Artificial Intelligence?' The concept of AI has been around us for many decades, yet it only became a part of our real-world after 1950, until its true potential was discovered. Today, machines understand verbal commands, distinguish pictures, drive cars and play even games, and with this new phase of technological revolution at hand we can soon see our self walking and networking among the AI robots. In short, the world is literally shifting from Robots to Machine learning to Deep Learning. Although the AI technology has been here for long but the field yet to be explored deeply. Along with more deep research and study on the various potentials of ANN, we will soon see a new phase of AI automation reshaping our future. In simple words, the age of AI autonomy is no longer a distant future! 

In the present scenario, Artificial Intelligence is widely spreading across every industry, even tech giants like Google, Fa
cebook, Amazon are making large scale investments in AI technology, With the new developments making headlines everyday, we will soon see the advancement and adoption of AI technology on different models across various industries by 2025. Well, for now, let's have a look at the types of Artificial Intelligence that you should know. The classification is based on their functionalities, which are as follows:

1. Reactive Machines AI
Well, reactive machines AI are basically a base type, which neither has the ability to form memories nor to even use the past experience to predict result or to form decisions. IBM's chess playing supercomputer, Deep Blue is one such machine, that can identify the pieces on a chess board and each piece mapping. Deep blue is capable of making predictions regarding the next moves for itself and even for the opponent, and based on the possibilities it makes the most optimal moves. But it doesn't have any memory of what happened a few moments ago. So in simple words, reactive type of intelligence mainly involves the computer perceiving the world directly and acting on what it sees.

2. Limited Memory AI
This second type of Artificial intelligence can look into the past but it requires identifying specific objects and monitoring them over time, like the self-driving cars. These AI assistant cars observe the other cars' speed and direction and later these observations are added to its own driving programming, which includes lane marking, traffic lights and other important elements like curves in the road and speed. But these past information are only transient, it is not saved as part of the car's library of experiences like humans do. So in other words, Limited Memory AI machines can retain data for a short period of time

3. Theory of Mind AI
According to psychology studies, humans have thoughts, emotions, memories and mental models that drive their behaviour. Similarly, scientists are hoping to build a computer that can imitate human mental models. According to a report, machines in the near future will not only form representations about the world, but also other entities in the world. Well, based on the 'theory of mind', the people, creatures and objects in the world have thoughts and emotions that affect their own behaviour, thus if AI systems are indeed ever to network among us, they have to be able to understand the human's thoughts, feelings and expectations and machine have to adjust their behaviour accordingly in the coming future.

4. Self-aware AI
Well, the final type of AI is about building a system that can form representations about themselves. In simple words, the final type is an extension of the 'theory of mind' AI. According to a report, AI researchers are not only trying to understand the consciousness (self-awareness),but to build a machine that has it.

The father of Artificial Intelligence, John McCarthy defined AI as " Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs". The curiosity to know 'whether a machine can think and behave like humando?" has paved for the initial development of the Artificial Intelligence. Just like there are numerous AI based applications, similarly artificial intelligence also involves a variety of technologies and tools, even the technologies which are recently adopted across different industries are as follows:

1. Natural language Generation:
You might be wondering 'what role does Natural Language Processing (NLP) play in AI application?' Well, NLP is one of the techniques in the area of machine learning, which is focused on teaching computers to understand natural human language more accurately. NLP also enables computer programs to understand unstructured data to make inferences and provide context to language, just like a human brain

2. Speech Recognition:
Well, what speech recognition does is, it transcribes and transforms human speech into a format that machine applications can understand. Currently, speech recognition is used in interactive voice response systems and mobile applications.

3. Virtual Agent
Virtual agent, also known as Intelligent virtual agent, virtual rep or Chatbot, provides automated customer service, just like Louise, a virtual agent of eBay. It is usually a computer generated, animated, artificial intelligence virtual character that is used to describe a program based on artificial intelligence to serve as an online customer service representative by leading an intelligent conversation with users, responds to their queries and performs adequate nonverbal behaviour

4. Machine Learning
Where as Machine learning is an application of AI that provides computer systems with the ability to learn automatically and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed, through algorithms, application program interface (APIs) and data

5. Deep Learning Platforms
Well, deep learning is a subset of machine learning in artificial intelligence, which consists of artificial neural networks; currently used in pattern recognition and classification

6. Biometrics
AI Biometric technologies is used as a form of identity access management and access control solutions, through physical and behavioural identification systems like face recognition, fingerprints, voice recognition etc. The encoded biometric information is later stored in a database and digitally sampled during authentication and verification

7. Robotic Process Automation
Robotic process automation (RPA) primarily used to automates business workflows. What RPA as an AI tool does is, it records a series of tasks and actions like button clicks, cursor moves and translates it to code to automate the same series of tasks without any human intervention in the future.

Anyway, on one side, scientists and researchers are trying their hand on creating machines that are self-aware, while on the other side, they are focusing more on understanding memory, learning and the ability to base decisions on past experience. We can say that we are about to see the most defining era in human history

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