Mon Mar 27, 2023

Do you know that each time you browse the internet, search at YouTube, google some trends, shop online or even when you like fb page or post, you are creating and sharing data about you; each time and in every single minute you are passing valuable info about your interest, preferences, and trends. Do want to know, how these information about you being used in this data-driven world? Well, all these raw data are extracted to find meaningful insights and patterns by Data Scientist/Analyst to help offline/online enterprises to figure out current trends, which help them to plan their future operational strategies and business development. In simple words, Data is transforming the digital world unexpectedly; be it offline or online enterprises, it is redefining the way of how we do business.

The accessibility of data has opened many possibilities towards development; not just the technological development but also for the business development. In short, data has the potential to turn the table around for any business! In the current scenario, each and every company around the world wants to incorporate data analysts into their company to make better and faster business decisions; be it a start-up, well-established companies or the top MNCs, everyone wants to take full advantage of the critical data around them to stay ahead of the industrial competition. Remember, it's just the beginning of this data driven world, there imuch more to come and the potential is not explored to the fullest, the future is just about to unfold itself.

A research has pointed out that the data has started creating a massive impact on business, on our way of living and even how we connect with technology. In every single day around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created, which drives a rush among global companies to hire Data scientists to tame their business critical data, even the demand for a Data Scientist job has grown from15% to 28% annually. Just like the more data is being produced, it will demand more number of analysts. Even Eric Schmidt of Alphabet Inc recently stated on the impact of data science on Industries that, "Not sure whether Data Science can foresee the future or be able to predict the world's end or not, but as for now it is literally escalating the growth of industry by 7% faster than any time in human history. "The biggest opportunities of this digitally revolutionizing world is undoubtedly in Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning and Data is only paving the path for the AI revolution to come.

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